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Foodcoating: for the perfect crunch and bite

Always opt for the perfect first impression with the right coating. Breadcrumbs do not only add crunchiness, they also determine the look ánd taste of the product. So by choosing a specific crumb, you can influence the look, flavour, texture and mouthfeel as well as customize your product! At Royal Koopmans you can choose many colours, flavour nuances a nd granulations. Let us highlight
the ones that make your product stand out.

A revolution in foodcoating with Koopmans Senses!

  • Taste

    Whether you like something depends on a variety of factors, but it all starts with taste.

  • Texture

    The mouthfeel of a product, this component is key in determining whether or not you like something.

  • Aroma

    The taste buds on your tongue register the basic tastes, but it is your nose that recognises finer nuances.

  • Colour

    Colour determines whether or not you like the look of a product and hints at the taste inside.

Blends for a taste & colour that stands out