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A revolution in taste: how to serve a rich food experience

Chef and culinary developer Jeroen is a real taste specialist. For years, he worked in the absolute top hotel and catering industry. In Michelin star restaurants he discovered how to serve a unique dining experience thanks to the right combination of pure ingredients. His experience and knowledge of wonderful flavour combinations are the sensory basis of Koopmans Senses.

I develop by looking at what is happening around us. Pure & recognisable, from my knowledge of tastes and without limitations.This results in striking creations that are tasty and responsibly.

Jeroen, Chef and culinary developer

From inspiration to development is no standard route

"It starts creatively: I look for something unique that will surprise the consumer. For Koopmans Senses, that meant first looking at other structures than what you already see on the market. Then I collect ingredients that are fun and in combination are very good." Thus Jeroen.

If the new taste directions and taste trends fit together well, then the connection with producers is very important. In the development phase, the technologists of Royal Koopmans look at how you can improve a base, batter and coating in such a way that it has a positive effect on the preparation in terms of taste, appearance and nutrients. This is something that Jeroen already takes into account in the creative phase. "Deep-frying and freeze-thawing, it all affects a recipe. I take that into account in my choices of ingredients." 

How do you know which flavours are suitable for a successful market launch?

In the cooperation with Jeroen, it started with the question: are you going for the masses? Or do you want to give something to the generation of modern consumers: beautiful, tasty products with a good approach? Royal Koopmans chose the latter. Because when it comes to food, consumers want to be stimulated, enjoy, try things out, push back boundaries and be inspired. Therefore, the 4 Koopmans Senses flavour sensations are based on the taste needs of consumers and the successes from the top culinary world. Jeroen explains: "Flavours that are new and successful in the top catering sector can be found in the retail sector some time later. Why is that? It is the reputation and influence of the top chefs combined with the publicity of culinary magazines."

Create your own revolution in taste with Koopmans Senses

Have you ever wondered how to increase your appetite for food? When it comes to food, consumers want to enjoy themselves, try new things, push their limits and be inspired. Stand out from the crowd by appealing to more senses than just taste! Combining flavour, texture, aroma and colour offers the best possible taste experience.

For coated fish, chicken, meat or vegetarian products, this is no easy task. The finesse lies in the right balance of spices and ingredients in each layer, from core to crumb. This is where our technologists share their expertise from our total concept: Koopmans Senses. This revolutionary 3-layer coating system always focuses on flavour, texture, aroma and colour. Each taste sensation consists of a Base, Batter and Blend, which are inextricably linked to each other. This way, you can awaken each of the senses with the most intense flavours. Discover how this works here.