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Sr. Product Manager Berber Akkerman: "The secret of successful innovations."

What choices do consumers make when it comes to food? And how does this translate into popular products? We asked more than 1,500 people this question to find out what really motivates the modern consumer. It turned out that there is a large group of vital people who like variety and challenges. In terms of eating preferences, this translates into: wanting to indulge themselves with new dishes and new products. For coated products, there is still little variation

Sr. Product Manager Berber Akkerman explains: "With Koopmans Senses, we focus on these consumers who are adventurous and like to try out new things. This group has travelled a lot and has come into contact with different taste influences from various countries. They are curious and regularly try new products. This means that products must appeal to them in terms of their appearance. In terms of colour, structure and ingredients. It must be surprising. And then the taste. It has to come through immediately. Crunchy, spicy, a taste explosion. That is the effect we want to create.

Needs-driven pioneering

"Our target group is: producers of meat substitutes, chicken, fish and appetizers. If you want to innovate successfully, it is important to connect the consumer and the producer. Because if you understand the needs of the consumer, it is easier to develop suitable innovations. That is why we at Royal Koopmans have immersed ourselves in the lives of consumers. The flavours of Koopmans Senses have been developed with a taste expert and tested among consumers. Our KIEM technologists have done the further development so that taste, structure, smell and texture are optimally retained after preparation. Only then can we say: we have a total concept. That's how we take the preliminary work out of your hands."

Are you curious how Koopmans Senses can bring about a revolution in flavour for your products? Read more about the concept and the 4 taste sensations here.